
Specializing in comprehensive Chiropractic care with advanced non-invasive soft tissue therapies included with each visit.

Dr. Teri Tran, D.C., is a skilled Doctor of Chiropractic at A.P.I.C. Therapy Center in Santa Clara, California, with over 20 years of experience. She has developed specialized treatment protocols for managing complex cases of disc and nerve injuries caused by whiplash from motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, and other high-impact or repetitive activities. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Tran has applied her expertise by providing on-site services to companies like eBay, Walmart, Stratex, Vishay and Place IQ.

Dr. Teri Tran, D.C., is a skilled Doctor of Chiropractic at A.P.I.C. Therapy Center in Santa Cla... Read More

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Located at: 2391 The Alameda, Ste 110, Santa Clara
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